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KETMarket Innovation Database is organized in 3 modules:
- The Innovation Marketplace: Promote your technology, innovation service, or patents that you are seeking licensees for. Browse the database to see examples of other members and to get an inspiration how your entries could look like.
- The Funding and Finance Module: You know about interesting funding opportunities and you look for partners to form a project consortium? Submit the funding opportunity to KETMarket and receive requests from companies and institutes interested in joining a project with you.
- Knowledge Base: The knowledgebase provides summaries of project reports, technology news, training items and workshops. The knowledgebase is accessible for Premium Members only. Submitting 10 Items per year to the knowledge-base grants you access to all documents as standard member.
Only registered users may submit technolgy offers. Please contact us if you have any questions.
KETMarket currently only supports submissions in English Language. Please fill the form in English or contact us to receive support with translating the data.
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