Funding or Finance Opportunity


AI for Green (Austria)

The protection of the environment, climate, resources and the preservation of biodiversity are central goals for sustainable development of the world (SDGs). Only through far-reaching transformation steps in all areas of life will people succeed in securing a world worth living in for future generations. In this context, the Austrian Federal Government has set itself the goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2040. In order to achieve these goals, measures must be taken to protect the climate and protect the environment (mitigation) as well as to adapt to the consequences of climate change (adaptation). Research in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) can support technology and policy in mitigating climate change and thereby contribute to the protection of the environment. The provision or further development of algorithms and AI systems can, for example, help with adaptation to the consequences of climate change by providing the energy, production, agriculture, forestry or disaster management sectors with a more precise basis for decision-making.

AI for Green specifically aims to support R&D projects that address the following two tender objectives equally:

  • AI technologies are being newly developed or further developed AND
  • the use of AI technologies makes a significant contribution to (Austria's) climate goals. This is done by:
    • Reduction of the use of resources and energy,
    • avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions, and/or
    • Preservation of natural areas and ecosystems.

The AI for Green 2023 call is open from mid-June to October 3, 2023 (12 noon).
Further information can be found on the announcement page.

The call is open to legal entities based in Austria, only.

General Information

Call Type
Eligible Country/ies
Call Identifier (if any)
AI for Green 2023
Target Groups
Research Institutes, Academia, Small- and Medium Enterprises, Industry
Submission Deadlines
Single fixed deadline
(Next) Submission Deadline
3 October 2023
Type of Funding Instrument
Collaborative Projects / Consortia
Max. funding amount per project [EURO]
2,000,000 €
Overall budget for all projects [EURO]
not specified

Author Info

John Fahlteich

Member since 3 years ago
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