COST Open Call (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)
Alongside Horizon 2020 COST is one of the most important pillars promoting research cooperation across Europe. It thus forms an important cornerstone of the European Research Area. COST Actions support thematic networks of experts and facilitate the mutual exchange of ideas. It contributes to an improved coordination of research activities as well as the dissemination of relevant results. COST also provides a valuable opportunity to involve Early Stage Researchers in thematic networks and it contributes towards their training and education through tailored activities.
Establishing and supporting networks
COST helps to create networks and thus bundles nationally-financed research initiatives in so-called COST Actions. These Actions provide funding for scientific events (e.g. workshops, training schools and conferences), cover relevant travel expenses (Short-Term Scientific Missions, Management Committee meetings etc.) and fund publications. COST does not fund research itself but fosters the infrastructure essential for enabling experts (from science and industry) from all over Europe and the World to share expertise and collaborate. The strong involvement of Early Stage Researchers as well as certain so-called Inclusiveness Target Countries are of key concern under COST.
(No) thematic focus
COST is a research programme open to all fields. Actions from all scientific fields are covered in this programme and frequently involve an intersectoral and/or an interdisciplinary approach.
How can I participate?
COST invites experts to submit project proposals through a continuous Open Call (with 1 or 2 collection dates per year). Following evaluation of these proposals, between 25 - 40 new COST Actions are funded per year for a period of 4 years. The average funding provided amounts to 130,000 Euros per year per action. Experts may also apply to join existing COST Actions.
Specific eligibility criteria
To be eligible, a proposal for a COST Action shall:
- Represent a network of proposers from at least seven (7) COST Full or Cooperating Members amongst which ≥50% shall be from COST Inclusiveness Target Countries as detailed in Annex B with proposers having a registered e-COST profile;
- Respect fundamental ethical principles as described in the Rules and Principles for COST Activities with particular emphasis on the originality of findings and ideas, and on peaceful purposes of the addressed science and technology challenges;
- Respect word or page limits as described in the COST Open Call Applicants’ Guidelines - Submission, Evaluation Selection and Approval (SESA);
- Be written in English, the working language of the COST Association
- Be anonymous, hence contain no reference to the proposers’ and/or institutions’ names participating in the network of proposers, meaning that proposers and/or institutions’ names should neither be explicitly mentioned nor be potentially identifiable.
Proposals can be declared ineligible at any point of the process should any breach of the above eligibility criteria be identified during the evaluation.
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