INNOMEM Open Calls
Through competitive Open Calls, INNOMEM will offer free access to a network of 14 Pilot Lines facilities and services through a Single Entry Point (SEP) that covers the full value chain of products based on nano-enabled membranes. You can access the full list of services here.
The services requested will have a maximum duration of 6 months.
INNOMEM will take especially into account the needs of industries and SMEs and simplify their search, with a one-stop to access and choose within an EU boutique of experts and assemble the best service portfolio for every need.
The Call will be open in two waves. The first wave has already closed; the second wave is open between May 1st and December 31st 2023. Since funding is limited, you should submit your proposal as soon as possible. We will evaluate the applications in two intermediate points between May and December.
Given the project’s aim of fostering the competitiveness of European businesses, the primary target of the INNOMEM Open Call (PLs and associated services) is industry, in particular, innovative SMEs.
Please note that the main factors determining the type of the company are staff headcount and, either, turnover or balance sheet total. More details on how to assess whether your company is an SME can be found in the COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION of 6 May 2003 concerning the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and User Guide to the SME Definition. Please also note that the check of the type of company will be completed if your proposal is selected for funding.
In order to be eligible for this Call, your company will also have to be established in one of the eligible countries. Please check the list of countries here.
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