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Gold Electrodes

Gold is used in biosensors and medical components, where it cannot be substituted. OTech Aurum gold ink has superior conductivity and the device performance can be achieved by using up to 60% less material at the fraction of the production price. The ink is compatible with aerosol and inkjet printing processes and can be used in many different applications ranging from gold-coated body electrodes for EEG/ECG monitoring to lab-on-a-chip to roll-to-roll printed electrodes for skin patches.


Specifications and Deliverables
OTech Aurum conductive inks:
Viscosity, cP 3 – 20
Shelf life, at room temp. is 12 month
Cuing – Cold plasma
Application method – Inkjet, slot-die, aerosol
Substrate – Polymers, paper, fabric
Appearance – Clear yellow liquid
Gold electrode Sheet resistance, Ω/□ 0.5 – 3
Gold electrode < 500 nm

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Author Info

Robert Rosa

Member since 5 months ago
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